Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Trump losing? You're correct.

     No president is ever safe from investigation, and when they fight back we know something is up. On December third, Josh Campbell from CNN wrote an article about president Trump attacking the FBI. "When you're attacking FBI agents because you're under investigation, you're losing." He used this quote that was originally for Hillary Clinton before the 2016 election, and directed it at Trump.
     Campbell's intended audience seems to be anyone who is interested in Trumps criminal investigation, and has prior knowledge of the subject. He talks about the investigation, the people involved, and potential evidence against Trump. If you don't know the FBI agents or anything about Trumps ties with Russia, you'll be lost reading this piece. If we're talking credibility, there's a handy editors note at the top that tells you Campbell's previous jobs with the FBI and assistant to the bureau's director.
    Trump calls the investigation a witch hunt and becomes more caustic the closer Mueller gets to uncovering something. Josh points out that Trump has maintained that he had, "nothing to do with Russia", but his former lawyer Michael Cohen, pleaded guilty to lying about Trump's business with Russia. Trump proceeded to call his ex-lawyer a "weak liar". The name calling is unnecessary, and yet we hear so much of it from our president. More evidence is brought up in the article that makes Trump seem suspicious. Mueller's evidence continues to show up and give hope to the ones wanting him out of office.
     Josh Campbell does a great job of showing how Trump is attacking the FBI, and trying to make it seem like he is innocent. He was clear on his opinion, and had reliable evidence from Mueller to talk about. This article makes it clear that Trump is getting angry as the FBI uncovers more of his secrets. He's attacking for a reason; Maybe soon we'll find out what's really going on.

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