Sunday, October 7, 2018

Criticizing Consent

In society today there is so much debate about rape and consent; Even with US government officials. An article from Carol Costello was posted on CNN to learn about consent from someone who is very familiar with this concept. The audience she's trying to reach is somewhat unclear to me, but it's between college fraternity boys or anyone interested in learning about consent. She talks to porn star Tasha Reign and brings a surprisingly little amount of information to the table. There are a couple examples of different rape claims and how people try to defend themselves, but overall it's not an article were learning much from. She brings up another blogger that talks about Kavanaugh for a brief second, and I think she should've written a little more about this. Her stand point seems to be that not enough people are taught about this subject, and I completely agree. She tells us how Reign does work by visiting college fraternities and educating men about how important it is to get consent, and more importantly, how to get it. This part of the article is helpful, and I wish is was more focused on those topics, but I understand she has to come up with other information to include. One of the cases she brings up includes six months of jail time for twenty minutes of action. She gave short statements from the two people involved and said that the attacker had an outrageous argument when you read the victims statement. Overall this article could've been more government focused, but she used credible sources and good arguments. Costello did a good job of letting us know that there are actions being taken. It's sort of like shes speaking for a group by saying we know we messed up with this sort of education, and were trying to fix it now.

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